Great news for YOU who are business owners and are boaties!

Did you know over 80% of our club members are in a range of businesses and can enjoy tax breaks on their memberships each year. And most definitely renewed their membership prior to June 30th. Members can elect to prepay from as little as a month up to three years and receive a tax deduction for this Calendar year. Also, get a GST rebate against your BAS.

In addition to that, members who are planning to upgrade their membership can do so before the said date and still get a rebate on it!

endoffinancialyearbannerThat’s why many of our members say its a “no brainer” to be able to enjoy recreational cruising and at the same time use the vessel for business purposes!

Join the Club before July 2016 and receive an additional tax bonus of 50% our entrance fee. We are more than happy to form your membership payments based on your individual circumstances.

Always remember to seek independent tax advice.


For enquiries: Click Here