Recommended Iphone Apps for Boaties. weatherzone Plus is a must which provides a feed from the Bureau. Then having Navionics on a cellular ipad is a must to avoid groundings!
1. Navionics : A great map program at a fraction of the cost of installing it in your boat. Buying a IPAD with data is a better deal than buying hardware for inland waters. Offshore waters you will need a satellite uplink
2. Weatherzone+: Weather alerts from the Bureau of Meteorology is a must to go boating in Port Phillip Bay.
3. Seabreeze: Provides a graphical representation of wind strenghts to pick low wind days
4. Shipfinder: Update on shipping movements in the Yarra
5. Park My Yacht : Boat simulator learn how to park a sports cruiser!
What do we recommend for boaties? W
Jun 4th, 20150 comments
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